Thursday, May 19, 2016

May Day 2016

It is the most anticipated day of the school year....MAY DAY!  Today was a truly amazing day for my kids and myself. We played and we had fun together. I had a blast seeing these kids so happy and excited. They have worked hard this year and deserved a great day to celebrate. Our school went all out this year and it was the best one we have ever had.

I have made a slide show for my students because typically after May Day not many come back to school. I plan on showing this to them to help them remember our year together. I made it on the website SmileBox. I had to download it on my computer but it was pretty simple to use. It's cute and I am amazed at how my kids have grown and matured from the beginning of the year.

Here's to May Day...to the End of School....to a Bright Future for these kiddos....I will always be their teacher....someone they can count on....Here's to the 2015-2016 School Year!

Ms. Peoples' Class 2015-2016 SLIDE SHOW

Friday, May 13, 2016


May The 4th Be With You! 

Star Wars Day in The Classroom Across ALL subjects: 

All teachers are jumping for joy because it is FINALLY MAY!!!!  16 days left of school for me and my kids. May the 4th is just another day to some but to this nerdy girl it is STAR WARS DAY! While watching the new movie The Force Awakens this past weekend I got an idea that I could use Star Wars in my classroom once I realized May 4th was coming the next week. I quickly searched Pinterest to see if I could find a few things I could use. Who doesn't love Pinterest!!?? I am an addict. Pinterest had tons of fun things and so I was hopeful to find something to use for my 4th graders. Teacher Pay Teachers came to the rescue with a few things I bought and a few things that were free. It turned out to be a great day and I feel like my kids learned while having fun! They loved it and didn't want to stop our Star Wars Day. 

Star Wars Day Plan:


I like to decorate and I tend to go overboard.  I first made a poster at school and bought some Star Wars clip art of the characters from Etsy. I made this poster to put on the outside of my door. My original decoration plan only included this sign. However, I went to Walmart and bought two large Star Wars posters to hang in the classroom. I had them laminated at school and hung them around the room. 

I LOVE AMAZON!! I just googled Star Wars decorations and found some things I could hang from the clothes pins in my room. They turned out great and were really cute. Hopefully next year I can get more than just 3. I also bought a moon and star projection light that was fun with all the lights out. Especially when playing the star wars theme song. Amazon Prime users can also use the star wars inspired playlist to play the instrumental songs found in the movies. I played this throughout the entire day and my kids loved it. 

I started the day by showing my kids the classroom tools page where I had written a story about why we had to help the Resistance fight against the dark side. It starts out just like the movies do with the loud theme music and the STAR WARS title. You can create and edit your own opening scene. 

Once we read the story line and set the stage for the day I told the kids about the Jedi code. I told them the Jedi follow directions quickly, control themselves and their anger, and work together with others. I made them take the Jedi Oath....they put their right hand over their heart and held their left hand up while saying the Oath. 

I pledge to follow the Jedi Code
To follow directions quickly
control myself and my anger
and work together with my peers
I will do my best to become the best Jedi I can be

 Silly, I know, but I wanted to really set the scene and have the kids buy into the whole star wars theme. They did mention the Jedi Code throughout the day when someone wasn't behaving.  Once they took the Jedi code I called them up to my podium one by one and gave them a "lightsaber" to help them defeat the darkside.  I printed out blue, green, and red lightsabers on paper and laminated them.  I then cut them out and punched a hole in the top and tied a string for a necklace. The kids wore these all day and I used them to group the kids easily. They thought this was pretty cool that they got their own "lightsaber". 

Don't Mess with us! We are trained Jedi with our own lightsabers!


Once we took the oath I made them have some Jedi Training. Jedi are strong people not only with their mind but their body as well so we have to train both. So....they did 25 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, 15 arm rolls both ways, 15 squat jumps, and jogged in place for one minute. This got a little energy out and hopefully got some blood pumping to their brains. 


Next, we completed a reading exercise where they students read about the movies and the original star wars cast. They learned about the characters and how the movies were made.  The kids really enjoyed reading and discussing it with their classmates.  I let them work in groups of 2-3 while reading and answering the questions. We discussed this passage once they were finished and I took this for a classwork grade in reading. 

We didn't get to it but I found a neat activity where you identify who the speaker is and what is their point of view based on a quote from the movie. I feel like this would have also been a fun activity to include and a great way to cover an important skill. 


I found a few math word problems that were Star Wars themed and worked perfectly for what we are studying in 4th grade at the end of the year. Great review questions to cover all the critical areas of math in 4th grade. Many of the questions deal with multiplication, division, measurement, measurement conversions, and fractions.  I took the questions and retyped them and printed them each individually on colored paper and placed them in page protectors. I numbered them 1-14 and gave students a paper that I created called Star Wars Math Wars and had numbers 1-14 on it for students to record their answers. Students could work in their groups of 2-3 to solve the problems that I placed around the room.  

I found a great Star Wars measurement activity and used some of the figures to have my students find area and perimeter of certain characters and then measure the length and height of others. The pictures of the characters with just the dotted edges we used for area and perimeter while the other pictures with the parallel lines over them were used for the measurement.

I also found some great division worksheets that allowed the students to practice their division strategies in a fun way. They are basically color by number pages where the students color a square based on the key and the answer to the division problem. The first one here is free and the 2nd link has more characters you can pay for. These pages cover all of the operations. The division is the most difficult and more on target for my 4th graders. 

Other Resources: I didn't use this but I thought it would be applicable for math in 3rd-4th grade. 

Jeopardy Math Game Editable

Thinking Hard....She was just using the force!

Working together to solve the problems (math problems) in the Universe....May the force be with them!

Finding the Area and Perimeter of the Death Star.

Solving the Star Wars Math Wars Word Problems
Finding the Area and Perimeter of R2-D2.

Measuring Chewie's height and length.


I found a really cool editable power point that I used to create a review for language. It was really easy to use and my two classes LOVED it. Especially being that they had to be either the Resistance or the Dark Side. When you give points to the two teams it makes a fun sound and the kids were so excited and engaged.  

Team Resistance (The Light Side)

The Dark Side

I also created a worksheet where the kids looked at some of the quotes Yoda says in the movie and some I made up. The kids read the quotes and discussed in groups how they should rearrange the sentence for it to make better sense. They also had to tell me what Yoda meant by what he said. 

I also bought a Star Wars Tic-Tac-Toe game or Toss Across from Walmart and divided the class into two teams. They formed two lines and I called out a word to one team and if the person at the front of the line spelled it correctly then they got a chance to throw the bean bags on the Toss Across. Of course, three in a row wins. The kids LOVED this also and have wanted to play it ALL week long. It was a great way to review. 


You want me to spell what word?? 


I don't teach science but some of my coworkers used these activities during science. They are dealing with force, motion, and gravity. They are basically STEM activities with cute introduction videos and teacher videos explaining how to do the lessons and activities. 

Our day was fabulous and we really enjoyed using the force to help us learn throughout the day. The kids were engaged and we ALL had fun! May The Force Be With You!

Team Revuer!

Team Isbindi!

Team Amistad!

I'm the Jedi Master in this room! 

Love my kiddos and this day was soooo fun!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Easter Egg  Stem Activity

The week before spring break can be challenging. You and your kids are ready for a much needed break. Let's be honest....you really just want to put a movie in to have a little quiet time for yourself and keep your kids calm. I totally understand this feeling. However, why not try something fun and educational....a team building activity....something the kids can learn from and enjoy. You don't have to do much but observe and discuss the activity. Your kids do all the work. Sounds great right? 

Here's the activity I did with my kids the week before spring break to get them thinking and working together. I was shocked at what they told me they learned from this activity. I had one of those O.M.G I can't believe you are saying this...I'm gonna cry...WOW! moments. It was amazing.  This is the website where I got this idea but I put my own twist to it...

Step 1: You will need to gather the materials needed which cost me all of around 5 to 10$. 


4-5 tubs of play-dough (a tub of play-dough for each group)
2-3 bags of Easter Eggs (20 eggs for each group)
Box of Peeps (you can use really whatever you choose)
paper and pencils for brainstorming
5 Rulers or Yard sticks
the floor or a desk
energy and excitement (weave the magic baby, make your kids excited by your excitement)

Once you have the materials you should sort them out so that they will be easily available for your groups. I had 5 groups with 3-4 kids in each group. So each group gets a tub of play-dough, 20 Easter Eggs, yard stick/ruler, paper and pencils. 

Step 2: Explain to your kids that this activity is all about teamwork and building friendships. This is an activity to help you learn how to work together and encourage each other. We have been working on kindness in my classroom and this was a great way to extend that lesson. 

The Hook: I told my kids that they were going to build an Easter Egg tower using 20 eggs and the play-dough. They had to figure out a way to make the eggs stand 12 inches tall. They can use the eggs ANYWAY they want...yes this means they can open them and break them apart. The point is that the Easter Bunny is coming after the chick (peep) and it needs a place to hide. We have to build a tower that is 12 inches tall and will stand after placing the chick (peep) on top.  Ya'll my 4th graders ATE THIS UP! It's all about getting them excited! 

Step 3: Brainstorm: Give the kids some time to discuss how they might want to build this tower. They can draw it out and write down ideas about how it could work. What could the do to make the eggs stick together and stand up.

Step 4: Begin working on their tower.  I originally set the timer for 20 minutes but we ended up working on this for around 45 minutes. It's totally up to you how long you want your kids to work on this. Once the groups build their towers and they stand 12 inches then you can give them a peep to place on top of the tower. If it remains standing then they have won the challenge! Just keep in mind this is difficult! Some of my kids were frustrated because they couldn't get it to work. THAT IS OKAY!!! They learn through the struggle! They need to learn that sometimes you don't always get the answers right but as long as you try that is all that matters. We can always learn from our mistakes. This is something I stress with me kids on a daily basis. This can be turned into a history lesson where you can bring in all the people that failed through their lives but became famous or accomplished great things in their lives.

Step 5: DISCUSSION! Ask your kids questions about this activity! Let them tell you the problems they had and how they addressed them. What did they learn? What made it difficult or easy? How did your group solve problems or how did you work together? How could this have been different? What would you have done differently if we did this another time? How did you make your tower work? This can be turned into a great writing piece about what they learned or even used as a HOW-TO writing assignment.  You could use a cause and effect graphic organizer to discuss what happened as well. 

My kids told me that they really learned how to work together and when someone wanted to give up they encouraged each other to try again. I didn't hear any arguing among the group members but a few heckling and trash talk between some groups who were close to being finished. My class is super competitive! They told me they had fun even though some of my groups weren't able to complete the challenge. They learned it's okay to try and fail. They were able to explain the process they used to make their tower stand and explain to the groups who didn't make it how they could have changed their design. 

This was a great experiment for my students and one they loved doing. We enjoyed it on our last day before spring break. Hope you try this with your kids or it gives you an idea of what you could possibly do in the future. Thanks for reading.

Here is another great Easter Stem activity to try...I will have to do this in the future.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Break is Finally Here!

 This is my first blog post so I wanted to share a few things about me and where I teach. I am a fourth grade teacher in my city. This is my third year teaching. I taught fourth grade my first year, 2nd grade my second year (LORD BLESS THE YOUNGER GRADE TEACHERS), and now I'm back in fourth grade. It is my absolute favorite grade to teach. My kids are pretty sweet for the most part and enjoy learning. They love me and genuinely want to please me. I enjoy being their teacher. I am so thankful for each one of my kids. I can't think of anything else I would want to do in life other than teach. It brings me true joy and satisfaction other than the amazing love and saving grace of my Savior. I am so blessed to have a job and work with amazing coworkers who love our kids and want the best for them. We work hard to provide the best education for our students.

 Most of my students come from poor socioeconomic situations and homes. I cringe when I think about what some of my kids have to deal with on a daily basis when they aren't with me. It breaks my heart that many of them have had to go through situations that no one should have to go through. This is why I do what I do. I want to make a difference in these kids lives. I want to be their safe zone and their protection when they are with me. I wish I could take these kids away from the hurt and pain that many go through but I can't and it truly breaks my heart. I can pray and I can love them EVERY. DAY. Those days when I have a tough time going to school my attitude immediately changes once I get there and see those smiling faces and get huge hugs or a "I missed you over the weekend Ms. Peoples". Kids sure do know how to make you feel loved and wanted. They are amazing and they actually change my life and teach me things daily. I am a better person for knowing each of my students.

Even though I love my kids I have been counting down the days to Spring Break and it is finally here. I am enjoying Netflix and sleeping in. Teaching is tough and it can wear you out. Taking time for yourself is important.

Spring Break Must Do's 

1. Sleep Late or Sleep In:

You need rest. You've been teaching your heart out for weeks and you haven't truly rested yourself. Sleep later than you normally would during the school week. Be crazy and take a nap during the day! Remember you don't have to set an alarm because it's Spring Break. Take time to just rest and enjoy down time. Soak up all the Z's you want because you know you are going to need them to make it to summer break. 

2. Make Time to Enjoy Something for Yourself

This is very important! Do something for yourself that you don't normally do during the school week. Let's face it, you have been all about 24 other little lives plus the lives of your family members. It's time for you to do something just for you.  Get a pedicure, take a walk with your dog, enjoy the sunshine, go shopping for some spring clothes you have been wanting, go on a nice vacation to your favorite place with family or friends, read a good book while cuddled on the couch with a blanket and your puppy and enjoy a glass of wine or a coke icee. Coke Icee's are my guilty pleasure! Do something for you! Take time to relax and enjoy you time. 

3. Forget the School Work

Say what???  Yah! I said it! FORGET IT! At least for a little while. Don't spend your whole break working on school. I know it seems like a great time to get all those things done you have been wanting to get done but you need a break from school. Forget about the kids and all the paperwork that needs to be completed. I know it is super hard to do all that. Believe me! Take at least three days away from school work to just focus on you and enjoy resting. You will thank me later! Go on a date with your hunny or with girlfriends to keep your mind off of school. Netflix binge and eat whatever you want! Put down that red pen! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Spring Break and take some time for yourself. You will feel refreshed and ready to finish out the school year teaching your heart out. Owl always love teaching but first let me enjoy my Spring Break!