Thursday, May 19, 2016

May Day 2016

It is the most anticipated day of the school year....MAY DAY!  Today was a truly amazing day for my kids and myself. We played and we had fun together. I had a blast seeing these kids so happy and excited. They have worked hard this year and deserved a great day to celebrate. Our school went all out this year and it was the best one we have ever had.

I have made a slide show for my students because typically after May Day not many come back to school. I plan on showing this to them to help them remember our year together. I made it on the website SmileBox. I had to download it on my computer but it was pretty simple to use. It's cute and I am amazed at how my kids have grown and matured from the beginning of the year.

Here's to May Day...to the End of School....to a Bright Future for these kiddos....I will always be their teacher....someone they can count on....Here's to the 2015-2016 School Year!

Ms. Peoples' Class 2015-2016 SLIDE SHOW

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