Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Break is Finally Here!

 This is my first blog post so I wanted to share a few things about me and where I teach. I am a fourth grade teacher in my city. This is my third year teaching. I taught fourth grade my first year, 2nd grade my second year (LORD BLESS THE YOUNGER GRADE TEACHERS), and now I'm back in fourth grade. It is my absolute favorite grade to teach. My kids are pretty sweet for the most part and enjoy learning. They love me and genuinely want to please me. I enjoy being their teacher. I am so thankful for each one of my kids. I can't think of anything else I would want to do in life other than teach. It brings me true joy and satisfaction other than the amazing love and saving grace of my Savior. I am so blessed to have a job and work with amazing coworkers who love our kids and want the best for them. We work hard to provide the best education for our students.

 Most of my students come from poor socioeconomic situations and homes. I cringe when I think about what some of my kids have to deal with on a daily basis when they aren't with me. It breaks my heart that many of them have had to go through situations that no one should have to go through. This is why I do what I do. I want to make a difference in these kids lives. I want to be their safe zone and their protection when they are with me. I wish I could take these kids away from the hurt and pain that many go through but I can't and it truly breaks my heart. I can pray and I can love them EVERY. DAY. Those days when I have a tough time going to school my attitude immediately changes once I get there and see those smiling faces and get huge hugs or a "I missed you over the weekend Ms. Peoples". Kids sure do know how to make you feel loved and wanted. They are amazing and they actually change my life and teach me things daily. I am a better person for knowing each of my students.

Even though I love my kids I have been counting down the days to Spring Break and it is finally here. I am enjoying Netflix and sleeping in. Teaching is tough and it can wear you out. Taking time for yourself is important.

Spring Break Must Do's 

1. Sleep Late or Sleep In:

You need rest. You've been teaching your heart out for weeks and you haven't truly rested yourself. Sleep later than you normally would during the school week. Be crazy and take a nap during the day! Remember you don't have to set an alarm because it's Spring Break. Take time to just rest and enjoy down time. Soak up all the Z's you want because you know you are going to need them to make it to summer break. 

2. Make Time to Enjoy Something for Yourself

This is very important! Do something for yourself that you don't normally do during the school week. Let's face it, you have been all about 24 other little lives plus the lives of your family members. It's time for you to do something just for you.  Get a pedicure, take a walk with your dog, enjoy the sunshine, go shopping for some spring clothes you have been wanting, go on a nice vacation to your favorite place with family or friends, read a good book while cuddled on the couch with a blanket and your puppy and enjoy a glass of wine or a coke icee. Coke Icee's are my guilty pleasure! Do something for you! Take time to relax and enjoy you time. 

3. Forget the School Work

Say what???  Yah! I said it! FORGET IT! At least for a little while. Don't spend your whole break working on school. I know it seems like a great time to get all those things done you have been wanting to get done but you need a break from school. Forget about the kids and all the paperwork that needs to be completed. I know it is super hard to do all that. Believe me! Take at least three days away from school work to just focus on you and enjoy resting. You will thank me later! Go on a date with your hunny or with girlfriends to keep your mind off of school. Netflix binge and eat whatever you want! Put down that red pen! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Spring Break and take some time for yourself. You will feel refreshed and ready to finish out the school year teaching your heart out. Owl always love teaching but first let me enjoy my Spring Break!

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